Hi, I'm a

Multidisciplinary Designer

Jiong is specialized in both print and digital media design. The working experience in Internet giant, design institute, media agency and startup has endowed her deeper understanding and ability to collaborate with different stakeholders and clients.

Content Stategist

Managing a subion with up to 30,000 subscribers, Jiong knows how to align content quality with business goals. Being a designer and content creator, when wearing different hats, it's easier to think of the box and integrate visual and storytelling in order to deliver a better impact.

Generalist Marketer

Marketing is a big field. Jiong's hands-on practices in design, content creation, social media management, sales, e-commerce have paved the way for cross-team collaboration, being a facilitator, and welcoming new challenges.


Some clients and projects I've worked on


The bar chart is still growing, and new skills will be unlocked soon. Other unlisted skills include: WordPress, Google Analytics, Tableau, Video Editing and Animation

Print Design
Digital Design
Content Strategy

Home Sweet Home


UW Quad, Seattle


My hometown Shanghai


Being a Foodie

Dreamy Drinks

Palouse, WA


Drop me a note,

or let’s have a coffee talk.

Travel plan includes Hawaii, New York,

and hometown Shanghai!

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