
DesignVisual storytelling: When Travel Frog Visits Seattle…

Visual storytelling: When Travel Frog Visits Seattle…

Role: visual designer, chief editor

Time: early 2018


Travel Frog  (旅かえる, Tabikaeru) is a free-to-play mobile game developed by Hit-Point Co.,Ltd that operates in Nagoya, Kyoto. The game went viral among Japanese and Chinese mobile users in early 2018.

SeattleGPS was also migrating readers from print to online channels. The WeChat channel had around 20,000 subscribers at that time, but the growth seemed to come to a pause. More pieces of quality and even viral content were eagerly needed.


Craft a soothing and beautiful story about a City, individual, love and friendship.

Convey Seattle’s charm and glamour to audience.

Gain organic reach, encouraging share and repost by outstanding content quality and readers’ resonance.


Trying to create a Seattle version of Travel Frog, I picked 12 signature tourist attractions in the Greater Seattle Area and embedded the game characters into the local sceneries.

I used Adobe Photoshop to compose the scenes and tweak them into watercolor style. The final visual presentation was better than I expected 😀

Are you able to recognize every place?

Editor Linyao contributed the prologue and dialogue in Travel Frog’s tone.


The visual story “When Travel Frog visits Seattle” received over 20,000 views in a week.

Successfully converted 20% new followers after release, compared to the average rate of 0.1% in industry.

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