Seattle Travel Guide

Seattle Travel Guide

Role: Illustrator & Designer

Goal: Rebrand

When: 2015 Summer

SeattleGPS the first Chinese guide book in the Greater Seattle Area est since 2009. This guide book cover design is one of the SeattleGPS rebranding projects. Previously all cover designs were composed of restaurant or tourist attraction photos, and the target audience was mainly 36-55 age years old travelers. The company planned to expand the audience to a younger generation, shifting into a more refreshing and attractive style.


  • Choose summer in Seattle as the main scene: The SeattleGPS guidebook is usually released and distributed in summer, the best time of the year, when most tourists come to visit the city.
  • Select main color palette: Ensure every color could mix well with the brand name and logo. Present a bright, vivid, and harmonious vibe of Seattle summer.
  • List the featured scene elements: As a “long-term traveler”, I listed out all the keywords of my Seattle impression, figured out a final nomination by integrating them with the guidebook contents.
  • Sketch an overall draft for the scene and Illustrate the elements.
  • Work with the marketing team and provide two alternative versions.
  • Refine and edit the final design.

The guide book was printed 25,000 copies and distributed in Pacific Place Mall (shown in the photo), Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Pike Place Visitor Center, etc.

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